ADSO’s Boldly Evolving Dentistry: A Members-Only Virtual Event will be taking place on March 24 & 25, 2021. This two-day event will feature keynotes from top dentistry leaders in the country, tailored breakout programming, and unique networking opportunities to provide an inclusive learning experience. With multiple event tracks including leadership, clinical, compliance, and I.T., members from all levels and roles of their organization will gain the knowledge necessary to carry dentistry into this next phase. Visit the event website for more information and to register!
All ADSO members and industry partners in good standing are encouraged to attend. Registration is free of charge and open to 10 employees from each DSO member and 2 employees from each industry partner member. To inquire about your company’s current membership status, join the ADSO, or secure a sponsorship opportunity, please contact ADSO COO Lily Davidson (ldavidson@theadso.org).
Sponsorship Opportunities
Get noticed at ADSO’s industry-leading events in 2021 with an event sponsorship! ADSO 2021 Sponsorship Prospectus is now available and details dozens of opportunities to make meaningful connections with ADSO meeting participants. The sponsorship deadline for Boldly Evolving Dentistry is Monday, March 1, 2021.
Event Tracks
Boldly Evolving Dentistry will feature multiple event tracks tailored to members from all levels and roles of their organization. The event tracks include:
- Advocacy
- Clinical
- Compliance
- Future Trends
- Growth and Development
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Operations
Stay tuned for speaker announcements!