ADSO Committees

The ADSO offers members various opportunities to get involved in the organization and make a lasting impact on the industry. ADSO committees are the driving force behind the strategic direction and future of the ADSO. Committee members develop real and lasting connections with colleagues across the industry and provide input on critical programs and initiatives and help bring value to the membership.

Learn more about ADSO’s committees below. Reach out to if you are interested in learning more or getting involved.

The Government Affairs Committee provides valuable input and directs the association’s advocacy efforts undertaken on state and federal levels. This committee is open to contacts from DSO member organizations and works to ensure the ADSO is represented effectively.

Government Affairs Committee

Curriculum Committee

Support through research, education & advocacy

The Curriculum Committee is tasked with overseeing the planning and execution of the annual ADSO Summit. This committee is made up of members who have experience participating in trade shows and work to ensure the highest level of content and value is made available to attendees during the Summit. The committee seeks new members each summer in advance of kicking off the next year’s Summit planning activities.


Dr. Maryam Beyramian, CEO & Co-Founder, Westwind Integrated Health

Committee Members:

Rashed Din, Maya Dental

Rick Hall, U. S. Oral Surgery Management

Gary Pickard, Pacific Dental Services

Emily Rose, Lightwave Dental

Priyanki Amorliwala, 42 North Dental

Sunil Eamani, Today’s Dental

The Membership Committee works to promote and enhance member value for the organization. Whether through creation of new programs and initiatives, selection of affinity programs, or online webinars on subjects impacting the DSO industry, the Membership Committee drives member value for the organization. Due to the sensitive nature of its work to review ADSO membership applications it is a closed committee, only seeking new members as current members cycle off. The group is always interested in hearing feedback and opinions from members, so please reach out if you would like to be connected.


Dustin Netral, Vista Verde Dental Partners

Committee Members:

Doug W. Brown, Dentistry for Children

Gary Pickard, Pacific Dental Services

Jeff Moos, Moos-e “Your Business Elevated”

Mitch Olan

Rashed Din, Maya Dental

Scotte Hudsmith, Specialized Dental Partners

Mike Friguletto, Beacon Oral Specialists

Membership Committee

Industry Partner Advisory Council

The Industry Partner Advisory Council (IPAC) was created in 2022 as a platform for ADSO Industry Partner members to advise and provide guidance to the ADSO regarding Industry Partner engagement and involvement in the larger DSO community.  The IPAC will accepts nominations yearly in the Summer.

Members of the 2022-2023 IPAC are:

Align Technology, Inc.

Ally Lending


Black Talon Security, LLC

Brasseler USA

Careington International

Envista Holdings Corporation

Henry Schein/Henry Schein One

Large Practice Sales


Planet DDS

Procter & Gamble


Straumann USA, LLC

Thinc Forward THI
